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Empowering Microfinance: Approve More, Worry Less

Broaden your lending scope, minimize risks, and provide faster responses by integrating risk management, workflows, and business policies within our decisioning platform.

Image of user using the konan dashboard to see how their AI credit scoring models are working

Simplify Microfinance: Swift Decisions, Mitigated Risks, & Expanded Outreach.

​Tackle the intricacies of microfinance lending effortlessly. Our platform automates every phase, from seamless onboarding to flexible decisioning workflows. Utilize scorecards, rulesets, or machine learning models within a single workflow for efficient loan processing, reduced risks, and a streamlined lending experience for lenders and beneficiaries alike.

Instantaneous Decisions

Automated Data Extraction

Detect Fraudulent Signals

Process Business Documents

Predict Assumed Income

Amplify Microfinance Capabilities with Diverse Decisioning Methods.

Merge conventional credit checks with innovative data sources for an all-encompassing lending approach. With our platform, micro-lenders can cater to a broader beneficiary base, make data-driven decisions, and ensure a balanced risk portfolio.

Advantages of Modernizing your
Microfinance Operations.

Enhanced Assesments

Make informed lending decisions based on predicted income insights.

Tailored Solutions

Tailor loan offers to suit individual borrowers' financial capacities.


Proactive Risk Mitigation

Design repayment structures that account for income variability, reducing defaults.

Empowering Borrowers

Foster financial literacy and empower borrowers with insights into their predicted income.

Operational Efficiency

Streamline assessments, expedite approvals, and speed up fund disbursements.

Data Driven Decisions

Utilize alternative data sources for a real-world view of a borrower's financial standing.


Want to start giving out instantaneous loans?

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